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Balanced Budget

Every person, family, and business has a budget that they have to live by, and our government should be no different. I strongly believe that local, state, and federal should live within their means. 
They should do this by taking care of the infrastructure needs of its citizens (roads, bridges).  The government also needs to offer educational opportunities through strong lower and higher education public school options (lower tuition, treat educators like the professionals that they are)  The state government also needs to provide compassionate care for everyone without breaking the budget (a hand up, not hand out). 


A strong economy at the state and local level creates a stronger middle and upper class; which in turn creates a strong economy.

We should balance incentives for businesses, with our tax needs.  Strong and vibrant businesses create jobs for lower, middle, and upper class citizens.  Those citizens with a decent paying job will spend more to support themselves and their families.  I do not support trickle down economics, but I do support working together to find a tax structure that funds the needs of the state while not placing an undue burden on businesses or private citizens. 



Keeping our youth highly educated, as well as providing low cost opportunities for younger and experienced adult learners, should on the top of our agenda.  
With a large number of our graduates choosing to leave NH for opportunities in other states, it is incumbent upon us to provide those opportunities here in NH.  Education funding in NH for lower and higher education has been an issue for far too long.  Innovative and out-of-the-box ideas (not including a sales or income tax) should be reviewed and discussed to find a better way to fund our education system and keep those graduates in state.  


Technology has provided us with the opportunity to expand the resources that we use to power our businesses and communities.  Advances in alternative power sources have come a long way in the past few decades.  NH State government, local governments, and every day citizens should have expanded opportunities to power their homes and businesses with other forms of energy.  A short term expense may be worth the long term gain in alternative energy sources.  


Taxes should be fair and kept at a minimum for tax payers throughout the state.  There is a balance that every administration and legislature tries to find for taxes and tax relief. New Hampshire has always fared better than most states in unemployment and a vibrant business community.  It is my intention to stay that course and watch every dollar spent so that the tax burden for all is as low as possible. 

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